I started sorting stuff to take to Mexico. I have two boxes now one with food stuff, canned goods etc and one of books. The books are mostly on learning Spanish. I hope they will do me service when I get to Merida. I have studied over and over and still don't feel confident with Spanish. I know I speak it like a Gringa in a bad movie I screw up the tenses, word order and use inappropriate terms or forget how to say things altogether. (Sigh)
I stopped by the cardiologist's office today and got new prescriptions for my medications so I can get refills before I leave and take three months supply with me. Hopefully that is how it will work out for me.
I stopped by my mechanics place this afternoon and had him show me how to open the cap on the power steering pump I had tried to open it, but the darn thing wouldn't come off and I was afraid I would break it an then I would have to search for a new one in junk yard-not a happy thought. Joe the mechanic showed me that I wasn't using enough pressure on it.
I called Dish TV today and seem there is no problem with suspending service when I leave which will be a good thing. I have the water company on auto pay as well as the mortgage and electricity so that is taken care of. Got to get the pets up to date on their shots and get a certificate to take with us to the border just in case we get checked. Hopefully the local Vet will cooperate.
There is still a list of things to do some can only be done just before leaving for Mexico. Hope I don't forget anything.
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