

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Making plans (in my head)

I keep thinking about how I will make my move to Mexico. There are many decisions to be made;
What to do with my RV is one and what vehicle I should buy and bring to Mexico is another, as I have pets driving to Merida is the best alternative even though it is a pain in the butt is driving 1200 miles through Mexico. Although I have done it before and it would be a grand adventure :)

Finding a place to stay that could be a problem. I could stay for a while at the same hotel I stayed at before if they still accept pets for a week or two or until I find a house to rent. Hmmm, lots to think about.

With the new Mexican Immigration laws coming into effect I should get a move on !

Dear me what to do ?


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Still here

I know I haven't posted in a long while and I feel guilty about that, but the deal fell through on selling the ranchito and I gave up waiting around to find a seller and left it in my real-estate agent's hands and hit the road. I am now in Idaho visiting family and having a wonderful time.

I have been studying Spanish and still it goes slowly when you don't have a teacher present to keep you on track and challenged and not being able to converse with Spanish speakers daily is a hindrance. From past experience I know that once I get into usage Spanish, even my limited version, I will improve once I am using it daily. To that end I plan to start using Spanish more in my daily life; listening to Spanish radio, TV and novelas.

I am thinking of returning to Mexico this idea has been swirling around my brain for weeks now and it is getting more and more intense as time goes on. What is it about Mexico that I like so much ? Why does Mexico pull at me like a magnet ? Something to think about. I keep looking at the real-estate ads for Merida and remember all the cute little old houses there in Centro and how things looked and all the places to visit and what the sounds are like there. If you can't stand noise don't go to Mexico there is plenty of noise all kinds of noise; fireworks, dogs, traffic, car/truck horns, music, construction noises, loud talking/yelling, animal noises the whole enchilada. I miss it.

My health has been good lately, knock on wood, no pain no discomfort not fatigue life has been good; I hope it stays that way....