There is a blog game called Tag. In this game when you are tagged you are supposed to reveal eight things about yourself that nobody knows, then tag someone else. Cute? Guess what I have been tagged.
So here goes;
1) I was in the Army yup wore combat boots before they were cool and dog tags then weren't jewelry circa,1961.
2) Can't dance for the life of me, although I am good at polishing a cowboy's belt buckle :)
3) I retired from Law enforcement. Nuff said.
4) Worked for the Dept. of Corrections Arizona as a corrections officer, no wonder I have trust issues.
5) I was an art major in college, still think a lot of modern art is baloney.
6) Owned and sailed my own 27' sailboat on the Chesapeake Bay.
7) Brought up five children, two were step children, four boys and a girl. With the boys it was like living in a locker room with the girl it was like living in a soap opera.
8) I once belonged to a nudist camp, at this advanced age we won't be doing that again, although it was fun to go skinny dipping :)
I have to tag someone else so watch your email :)